Thalkirchen geothermal heating project


Construction has started on the Thalkirchen geothermal heating project in the city of Munich in Bavaria/ Germany. With a planned 50 MW of thermal, the plant when ready will not be only the largest geothermal heating plant in Munich, but also in Germany. The plant is planned to supply geothermal heating to up to 80,000 residents of Munich. For the new geothermal plant, a total of six drill wells will be drilled in a star shape from a drilling site to a depth of 2,800 to 3,100 meters. After 900 meters, they are to be drilled horizontally. The drilling work should be completed by the end of 2019. Then the plant will be built. Subsequently, long-term pumping experiments and the fine adjustment of the system begin. By 2020, it will finally go online.