Welding World By Eliza Bhalerao, Publisher, Weldfab Tech Times Magazine


Welding World By Eliza Bhalerao, Publisher, Weldfab Tech Times Magazine

Welding Is A World Of Joining Metals,
Where All The People Are Like Beautiful Petals.

Welding Is Full Of Tig, Mig, Arc
The Industry Will Always Uplift And Create A Mark

It is simply An Art,
So Weld Well A Cart.
It Can Be Your Career Part
Make It A Passion With Heart.

Opportunities Are Ample, Do Not Hesitate
Opt For Welding, Open The Career Gate.

Learn Learn, It Has No End
Success Failure Is A Part Of Life My Friend
Creativity Is All That You Spend

Welding Is A World Of Joining Metals
Where All The People Are Like Beautiful Petals.

Thank You.