National Best Welder Competition for Women – 2019


National Best Welder Competition for Women – 2019
It has been proven beyond doubt that women can do a lot than men and also in a better way. Skilled trades and industries have witnessed the excellence of women involvement time and again. To salute the women power, Kemppi India Pvt. Ltd. and Nestgen Plasma Pvt. Ltd. have taken an initiative to organize National Best Welder Competition for Women for the 2nd time in a row in association with The Indian Institute of Welding (IIW-India). 
This time the competition will be held preliminarily in Pune, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai. National final will be held in Chennai on 6th of December, 2019. Another initiative is to include students, those who can show their expertise. 
The competition will be held in SMAW and GMAW categories for structural welders, pipe welders as well as for student welders.
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