Welding technologies solutions by Cloostransforming the manufacturing industry


Recent technological advancements have revolutionized metal joining

processes, leading to a shift in welding technology trends. Sumon Mitra,

COO, Cloos India Welding Technology affirms Cloos is at the forefront of

the innovations with comprehensive solutions.

Sumon Mitra

COO, Cloos India Welding Technology Pvt. Ltd.

“Additive Welding with CLOOS MoTion Weld”- MIG/MAG short & pulse arc with reversing wire drive unit , also can be used for 3D printing

Benefits of Motion weld

  • Maximum process stability due to reversing wire
  • Reduced rework because of minimised formation of spatters and powder residues
  • Excellent weld quality due to precise heat control
  • Efficient welding production because of an up to 40 % higher welding speed



Optimum man-machine interaction Your easy entry into the world of automated welding

Do you look for a stable process for excellent welds in fine-plate application, aluminum applications or for additive production? Then rely on Motion Weld by CLOOS!

Qineo ArcBoT – “It is ready with all types of Mig & Tig welding machine and innovative welding process of Cloos and also with Fume extraction torch with filter unit to maintain the floor environment.”

Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM)” has now been recognized as a relatively rapid, cost-effective alternative for generating metal components. High deposition rates and lower investment and operating costs compared with powder-based additive manufacturing processes are of particular interest for the production of large volume Components. The use of WAAM has been facilitated by the development of energy-reduced digitally controlled short arc processes and the simplified use of industrial robots for torch movement. Additive manufacturing  often means generating of complete components by adding layer by layer. 


MoTion Weld is particularly suitable for fine plate applications and applications in the lowest capacity ranges. The welding process provides advantages everywhere where special demands to weld surface and appearance are made. MoTion Vari Weld is a combination of the proven CLOOS Vari Weld process and reversing wire. In the process, the wire is drawn back and forward at a frequency of up to 180 Hz which results in an extremely high process stability to the lowest capacity range. You avoid extensive reworks due to the minimized formation of spatters and powder residues. Due to these characteristics MoTion Weld is particularly suitable for applications in the additive production. Do you look for a stable process for excellent welds in fine-plate application, aluminum applications or for additive production? Then rely on MoTion Vari Weld by CLOOS!




With Mix Vari Control Weld you can solve demanding welding tasks even with heat-sensitive materials. You benefit from the advantages of combining the proven MIG/MAG standard welding process Control Weld and the MIG/MAG pulse welding process Vari Weld. With Mix Vari Control Weld, phases with high and low energy input alternate. The simple handling enables a quick use of the welding process in your production without extensive training. Because with Mix Vari Control Weld, you can also weld vertical-up welds and horizontal-vertical positions linearly. Oscillating positions such as the Christmas tree technique are then no longer necessary. This saves you even more time in the process run. The welding process is also characterized by reliable penetration. Due to the wide range of setting options in the areas of synergy characteristics and power, you can flexibly adapt the welding process to your individual application. Recognition of position and tolerances of the workpiece provide excellent weld quality and saving time because re-teaching is not necessary. Moreover, the elimination of clamping devices reduces investment costs and minimizes non-productive times.

Do you look for an ARC seam sensor in Cobot welding? Then rely on Qineo ArcBoT by CLOOS!

Mix Weld by CLOOS

Combination of two MIG/MAG welding processes for simple weld pool modelling in demanding conditions

QINEO ArcboT-  The CLOOS QINEO ArcBoT welding system offers an easy entry into the world of automated welding. With the QINEO ArcBoT Welding System, you can weld even small batch sizes economically and with consistently high quality. The high-tech QINEO welding power source and the very precise ArcBoT complement each other perfectly. In addition to the relief of the employees – especially with monotonous, repetitive tasks – you benefit from excellent welding results due to the reproducible quality

.Cloos India Welding Technology Private Limited

Ground & 1st Floor, Plot No. 114/1/3, General Block, 

Midc Bhosari,Pune, Maharashtra 411026 India

Website:- www.cloos.de

Email :- contact@cloos.in ,

Mobile:-7003545907 / 9168383939

QINEO NexT-602 Premium for automated welding

The QINEO NexT Premium has all important components and functions”on board” so that you are perfectly prepared for the future. The heart of the QINEO NexT is an inverter power unit developed by CLOOS which clocks with a high frequency. This allows an even better arc control for excellent results: The unique welding characteristics enable you to solve complex welding tasks perfectly. A multitude of optional components and functions make the QINEO NexT to be your individual power source – exactly how you need it for your tasks of automated welding.

To get the all innovative welding process of CLOOS, please select Qineo NexT in your workshop