Manufacturers who are positioning for growth are planning for automation. The challenge with adopting complex, custom solutions lies in the time and capital investment for custom integrations.
If you’re faced with capacity challenges, labor shortages, or quality variability, the standard cells from Acieta can help you address key business challenges, fast, with a standard weld cell. The FastARC weld cell is an excellent option for companies adopting automation for the first time, or companies who are looking for a strategic automation partner to help them move forward.

Improve welding production without adding labor

Keep your torch running consistently and constantly with FastARC, Acieta’s standard robotic weld cell. Maximize uptime with 24/7 access to Acieta certified service and maintenance teams.
Our four standard cells were designed to meet the most common robotic welding needs, and are a fast way to get started on your automation journey. FastARC provides a cost-effective introduction to Acieta’s premium quality hardware and software. Each cell is ready to work with Lincoln® or Miller® equipment.

Why You Need to Consider FastARC Standard Robotic Weld Cells

Here are all the reasons FastARC Standard Robotic Weld Cells are your answer:

  • Excellent option for a first-time robot user
  • Pre-engineered for faster delivery
  • Small footprint and easy installation with one piece platforms
  • All utilities are integrated into the frame for faster start-up time
  • Load and unload while the robot is welding with dual zone cells
  • Produce different parts in each cell with dual zone cells

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